Map Making

The Maps here where drawn to assist with one of my Pen & Paper Campaigns

or just to train myself and have some fun with the process.

All of them where drawn with Pencil first, then cleaned up with some Black Ink or Pen.

Where color was added it was either done with colored pencils, copic markers

or digitally by using Photoshop.


Special thanks to 2-Minute Tabletop whose tutorials helped me a great deal

in improving my technique and drawing confidence for such maps.

Coastline Capital

The proud city of Beltin, central point of a campaign all about gods and fish(er)men.

The Numbered Picture shows the pre-planned places that could be found by the players, all of which had an influence about how the story unfolded.

Coastline Village

A  peaceful fishing and farming village, it's population tied up in secret hunt

for a fish-men traitor among their ranks.

Done for the same campaign as the the coastline city may of Beltin, and as an exercise on drawing more organically grown settlements.

Huts and Houses

Two Buildings drawn to get practice with room layouts and how much details I should put into a battle map of this size. I also found that drawing the living place of an NPC helps to understand how they spend their time and get into their way of thinking.