Floating Sanctum


Floating Sanctum is a short First Person Game with a focus on exploration and a fractured narrative, taking place in the hovering Ruins of a vacant Temple Complex.


The Game was made as an one person project in the fourth semester of my Study at the  MD.H Munich and was created using the Unreal Engine and the help of the amazing Paragon Environment Asset Pack.

Blueprint Visual Scripting

All Features of Floating Sanctum have been created using the Blueprint Visual Scripting system, when they were not already build in functions for Unreal4.

After having heard much, good as well as bad, about the system I am glad to have tested in in this project, as I have found it to be quite powerful and pleasing to use, especially for someone like me who has some coding skills but is not mainly a programmer.

I gathered some examples for the kinds of features I created with it, with commentary to explain how I went about doing so.

Visual Scripting Examples

The Cards

The Card Like Shape seen in the Interface and throughout the game as glowing or metallic 3D models, often bearing numbers, are, unlike the rest of the used assets, self made objects imported into unreal.

Card Design Process